Jan & Jul Cozy-Dry Play Suit - Nebula Blue
This fleece-lined waterproof fleece lined rain suit is a very versatile outdoor gear for fall, winter and spring. It is breathable and comfortable for everyday, fully waterproof for raining days, warm and cozy on chilly days.
Mom designed and kids approved in Vancouver, Canada where we have long rainy days all year round, this kids’ rain suit is thoughtfully designed to keep your little one dry no matter how wet it is outside.
- Fabric waterproof rating: 10000 mm
- Fabric active breath-ability: 3000g/m2/24h
- Fully taped seams
- Bionic-Finish technology from Germany
- PVC & fluorine free
- Fleece Lined: Soft fleece, fully lined
Cozy-Dry Play Suits are adjustable around the waist to fit your growing kid perfectly each time and for seasons to come. The adjustment toggles are on the sides just above the waist: simply adjust before zipping up. Elastic wristbands and ankle bands keep out the rain and fit better for different arm/leg lengths.
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